

Majority of the population of Nepal rely on Agriculture. As it lies in the Monsoon region of South East Asia, it is very good and suitable for agriculture. Nepal having different kinds of land structures and climatic regions has a great potentiality in the field of Agriculture and the development of the nation depends on development of agriculture. But, new and modern techniques should be introduced and applied and also, the farmers should be made aware of these techniques. So, realizing the need of people in agriculture sector, our organization builds the capacity of the farmers through participatory approach and it supports them to follow modern methods of farming.

Global Warming and Climate Change

These days, there has been greater emphasis on Climate Change and it severely affected almost all the physical and biological components of the Planet Earth. Apart from the climate change, biodiversity loss and wetland degradation are another important areas on which the impact of climate change are clearly visible.  Thus urgent and serious attention is needed for these issues. Innovative ideas should come out for solving the existing problems and People’s participation should be encouraged for suitable activities in the areas of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Wetlands.

 Biodiversity Conservation

Conservation of biodiversity has always been an objective of environment education. GPSD has expertise in and has done a wide range of activities in this area. It coordinated the ‘Education, Awareness and Training' Seminars/workshops on National Biodiversity Conservation. Several of its EcoDevelopment Programs looked at biodiversity conservation as a major thrust. There have been many school programs, manuals and training programs which had, and have, biodiversity as the focus area.

Waste Management

Whatever we decide to label it -- rubbish, trash, waste, refuse, or garbage -- the piles keep growing. It comes from homes, schools, businesses, factories, and other places; it is generated by people of all ages. As hard as we try to reduce and recycle large amounts of waste, we will still have some left to be disposed With industrialization and urbanization, the problems of waste disposal have increased many folds. We must re-educate ourselves to realize that waste is a resource that should be managed. High population density, intensive land use for residential, commercial and industrial activities led to adverse impact on the environment. Across the nation, waste management laws are being enacted and communities are developing plans for better management of their garbage. Management of waste requires a comprehensive plan. It will take the right combination of options to meet each community's needs.


Nepal is rich in wildlife with its exclusive, fascinating and diverse ecosystem. Wildlife includes any animal, aquatic or land vegetation which forms part of any habitat. Nepal is among the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world. Country’s wildlife is extended over the evergreen forests of Nepal from alpine forests of Himalaya to the Terai.